Shortcode file
Below is the content of the /layouts/shortcodes/abbr.html
{{ if len .Inner }}
<abbr title="{{ index .Params 0 }}">{{ .Inner }}</abbr>
{{ else }}
<abbr title="{{ index .Params 1 }}">{{ index .Params 0 }}</abbr>
{{ end }}
Usage syntax
The code below:
{{<abbr "HTML" "Hyper Text Markup Language"/>}}
{{<abbr "Hyper Text Markup Language" >}}HTML{{</abbr>}}
__*{{<abbr "2000-01-02 06:00:00" >}}the past{{</abbr>}}*__
will be rendered as follow:
HTML HTML the past
This shortcode can be declared with content by inserting the content between the opening and closing shortcodes:
{{<abbr "Abbreviation" >}} Abbr. {{</abbr>}}
Result: Abbr.
This shortcode can be declared without the content and the closing shortcodes by using the self-closing syntax:
{{<abbr "Abbr." "Abbreviation"/>}}
Notice the
in the end.1Result: Abbr.