Fathy AR A dev blog: journal, notes, and more...

Odoo External API Integration Demo with Docker

Posted on in Software Development · 2498 words · 12 minute read
Tagged with: Odoo, Docker, addons

A step-by-step demonstration of the instructions provided by Chapter 9 of the Odoo 15 Development Essentials (5th Edition) book, about learning the working of Odoo’s external API by installing a custom Odoo app (also called module or addon) and its client app which utilizes Odoo’s external API to communicate with the custom Odoo app on the server side. The custom Odoo app code is taken from the source code attachment of the book.

Finding a Better Method for Hiding Page Metadata Using Front Matter Variables

Posted on in Web Dev · 695 words · 4 minute read
Tagged with: Hugo, Theme Development

I was trying to solve a problem related to the option of displaying and hiding metadata of a page. This is useful in cases where some data in the metadata is irrelevant to be displayed. The metadata I’m talking about here is the information of a page that is commonly displayed on top of or below the page’s main heading or title such as date and word count. In my case, this metadata is generated by two partial templates in partials/article/metadata. Read more…

Choosing Between Cheatsheets and Snippets Sections: They Are Redundant(?)

Posted on in Miscellaneous · 329 words · 2 minute read

I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. That the existence of “Cheat sheets” and “Snippets” page type in this blog is redundant. It makes me feel like something is not right. I need to clear this up. So, do I need to pick one, or keep them both? I guess I’ll go for “cheat sheet” if I need to pick one. Here’s my argument. “Snippets” can be included in cheat sheets. Read more…

Sublime Text Shortcuts

Posted on · 63 words · 1 minute read
Tagged with: Sublime Text, text editor

Introducing My Hugo Theme, Elementary

Posted on in Web Dev · 54 words · 1 minute read
Tagged with: Hugo, Themes

Elementary is a Hugo theme I created for my blog, this very blog. It is built based on another Hugo theme called smol. The design of some parts of it is inspired by a fork of smol. Note that Elementary is still a work in progress. You can visit its project repository on GitHub.

"Forking" a Github Repo Without Forking It

Posted on in Software Development · 85 words · 1 minute read
Tagged with: Git, GitHub

Introducing a New Shortcode: abbr

Posted on in Web Dev · 125 words · 1 minute read
Tagged with: Hugo

Hugo Tips: Render shortcode syntax as plain text

Posted on in Web Dev · 222 words · 2 minute read
Tagged with: Hugo

In this post I’ll share with you a tip on how to render shortcode syntax as plain text in Hugo and a little bit of background story behind this tip.

Create a Simple Shortcode in Hugo for kbd tag

Posted on in Web Dev · 857 words · 5 minute read
Tagged with: Hugo

In this post I explain about creating a simple custom shortcode in Hugo.

But, before starting off, we need to know what shortcodes are and the way they works. So firstly I’m going to walk us through a little bit explanation of that.

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Special Characters: Keyboard Symbols

Posted on · 35 words · 1 minute read
Tagged with: ASCII, keyboard, symbols

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